Find an asbestos expert in Ghent

Today (january 2023) Ghent counts 11 companies where you can have an asbestos certificate drawn up. It is perfectly normal that the number of experts will only increase as 2032 approaches. OVAM wants an inventory of all asbestos in buildings (houses, apartments, commercial properties) throughout Flanders by that date.

List of asbestos experts in Ghent

City Company Contact
9051 Gent ABO NV |
9000 Gent Asbest consulting |
9000 Gent Aasbesthuis |
9000 Gent Asset |
9031 Gent Glenn de Lille |
9000 Gent MersinHomes |
9000 Gent RAC Projects |
9000 Gent IBEVE vzw |
9000 Gent Jens Vrancken |
9000 Gent Edward Vrijghem |
9000 Gent IFIRMA |

80% of houses contain asbestos in Ghent

The share of sold houses in Ghent dating from before 2001 is no less than 80%. That is quite a lot, but with 80% Ghent is still just above average in Flanders. However, Flanders is still best in class when we compare those figures with Brussels and Wallonia. In Wallonia, the share of houses built before 2001 is 91% and in Brussels that number even exceeds 95%!

When we consider appartements, representing 42% of the real estate offer of the Ghent region, we see that the share of appartments that were built before 2001 is much smaller than houses. Around half of appartments that were built in Ghent were built before 2001, and require an asbestos certificate.
Source : immoweb - properties for sale by province and by year of construction on (15/11/2022)

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Last update : 03/01/2023.